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Multi-function Smart Window Film


    未標準化的窗戶尺寸與單一功能的選擇性帶給現有智慧型窗戶的普及過程相當大的挑戰,本團隊突破現有技術瓶頸獨家研發的多功能智慧窗戶薄膜可以被自由裁剪、直接貼附於不同材質、尺寸之玻璃上,並可以藉由智慧型手機中的 Wi-Fi, 藍牙等遙控技術進行控制,直接地加值一般玻璃,提供使用者透明、隔熱、遮蔽與影像顯示四種功能的選擇,解決現有技術之功能單一且置換玻璃成本過高等產業困境,可廣泛地被應用至智慧家庭、建築大樓、汽車玻璃與廣告等應用領域。


    Non-standardized window type and single functionality are two critical problems for popularizing into life in the field of smart glass. The team breaks through the existing technology bottleneck and develops a multi-functional smart window “film”. It can be directly laminated onto existing window glass so that the glass becomes electrically switchable among transparent, tinted, privacy protection, and image display states. Remote control of the smart window is easily done by connecting it to a smart phone or switch through WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. The Brilliant Optronics’ technologies have overcome the major challenges of current smart windows, including single function and the high cost of glass replacement. These smart window films have also found their widespread use in smart homes, business buildings, and vehicles.




曾衡逸 博士候選人

Ph. D. Candidate

Heng-Yi Tseng

​李承璋 博士候選人

Ph. D. Candidate

Cheng-Chang Li ​​​​​​

螢幕快照 2018-11-28 下午9.50.51.png

​林宗賢 特聘教授


Tsung-Hsien Lin




張立旻 博士生
Ph. D. Student

Li-Min Chang



林冠吾 碩士生

Ph. D. Student

Li-Min Chang




林宗賢特聘教授目前為國立中山大學光電所系主任,專注於液晶相關研究達二十年,曾獲107年度科技部"傑出研究獎"與年輕學者最高榮譽「吳大猷先生紀念獎」及中山大學傑出研究獎等各式榮譽,至今已發表超過八十餘篇 SCI 學術論文,近年更分別於Nature Communications(Impact Factor: 12.353)與 Advanced Materials (Impact Factor: 21.95) 等頂尖期刊中發表相關研究,並獲數十家新聞媒體報導。


李承璋與曾衡逸先生與林教授合作研究智慧窗戶與透明顯示器主題超過六年,長期專注於智慧型窗戶與透明顯示器之技術研究,目前有超過二十篇SCI 論文研究發表與多年產學合作之經驗,並分別獲得"友達光電"與"華麗集團"之研究獎學金的認可,具有相當有競爭力的液晶技術研發能力。


團隊所發展之智慧窗戶薄膜核心技術目前已獲證六項台灣發明專利與兩項美國發明專利,並持續進行包含 PCT 等各國專利佈局,其技術除了在學術類之光學、液晶與前瞻顯示技術年會中紛紛獲獎外,也陸續獲得“科技部創業傑出獎”、“國家新創獎”與“光寶創新獎”等國內政府與企業領域授予新創公司之最大獎的認可,並於 2019 年選獲選CES台灣新創館「國家新創代表隊」,與眾多出色的台灣新創團隊一起將台灣的新創勢力,展示到全世界。


目前團隊已完成 40 cm 寬度之連續長度捲材的前期生產驗證,並已與數個來自於各國之企業開始進行包含小尺寸(如眼鏡與安全帽)與大尺寸(如汽車玻璃與建築玻璃)之商用測試與通路佈局,



About us

Brilliant Optronics is a startup company co-founded by Prof. Tsung-Hsien Lin, Ph. D. Candidate Heng-Yi Tseng, and Ph. D. Candidate Cheng-Chang Li, spun off from National Sun Yat-Sen Univerity (NSYSU), Taiwan,


Prof. Tsung-Hsien Lin is now the head of Department of photonics, NSYSU. He specializes in liquid crystal more than 11 years and has published over 80 SCI scientific papers in the field of liquid crystal including leading journals such as Nature Communications ( Impact Factor: 12.353 ), and Advanced Materials (Impact Factor: 21.95). In 2019, he received the Highest Research Excellence Award from Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan.


Ph. D. Candidate Heng-Yi Tseng, and Ph. D. Candidate Cheng-Chang Li specializes in novel liquid crystal smart window and transparent display more than 6 years. They have published over 20 SCI scientific papers and respectively received the enterprise scholarships from "AU Optronics" and "Wah Lee Industrial Corp.". They have years of experience in industry-university cooperation and considerable R&D capabilities of liquid crystal smart window film.


Brilliant Optronics focuses on R&D and manufacturing of smart window films The core technologies have been awarded several patents and prizes including Outstanding Innovation Award by MOST, LITE-ON Gold Innovation Award, and 15th Taiwan Innovation Award. In 2019, Brilliant Optronics is selected as the CES "National Team" to showcase Taiwan innovation powers to the world, working toward the goal of creating new, flexible living styles for people to enjoy light, enjoy life!


We have completed the initial production verification of "Multi-function smart window film" with the width of 40cm and continuous length. We currently focus on large-scale production verification and commercial testing this year.


Although we don't currently have products available for sale, we are always looking for strategic partners to develop the technology together. We hope that the multi-function smart window film can also add new value to the different field. Welcome to accelerate the development of smart window together.

Enjoy Light, Enjoy Life!

Brilliant Optronics

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